VAF Student awards


Max Williams was our highest placing Motorcycle World Skills competitor and therefore awarded the VAF Sidchrome tool kit. Max was greatly appreciative and thanked the VAF enormously for the tool kit

VAF tool box gift to Lyndhurst Secondary College.
Head Automotive instructor for Lyndhurst Indhiran Padayachee and VAF committee member Chris Anton.

Gordon Automotive Pre- Apprenticeship student, Dylan Webber was today presented with his Sidchrome Tool Box, kindly donated by Victorian Automotive Forum.
The 12 week Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation program, gets students ready to take on mechanical apprenticeships, arming them with the communication and practical skills that employers are looking for.
This program commenced in the middle of the COVID pandemic which meant students first interactions with The Gordon were via Zoom. Dylan found this a little bit of a challenge but once he was able to attend classes at East Campus and get hands-on, he thrived. The Gordon and a support worker at Diversitat were always there along the way, checking in and supporting Dylan’s learning.
During the Pre App, Dylan undertook a trial and officially starts work on January 8, 2021. Congratulations Dylan we wish all the best in your career as a mechanic, you’re a deserving recipient of the amazing new toolkit!

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The Chisholm Automotive Centre hosted the first Victorian Automotive Forum Toolbox Awards this week. Congratulations to automotive students Cheneille, Riley and Craig who picked up awards and some great prizes, including tool sets and toolboxes.
Thanks to VAF president, Adrian Lea, and Sidchrome for supporting the awards.

Congratulations to Joseph Barnes from Eastern Heavy Workshop who completed his Automotive Apprenticeship with Ringwood Training.

Joseph was also selected to receive an Automotive Achievement Award for his perseverance through his years of training.

Thanks to the Victorian Automotive Forum who sponsored this fabulous award Joseph was presented with a Sidchrome 8 drawer toolbox!